- Design Studio Housing Dignity
- Design Studio Retrofit Municipal Building
- Design Studio Step Across the Border
- Design Studio Supergrätzl 2.0
- Excursion Brazil – Amazonia
- Excursion Brazil + Argentina
- Lecture and Exercise Architectural documentation and presentation
- Lecture and Exercise City and War
- Lecture and Exercise Urban Ropeway Systems
- Module Metropolitan Research
- Principles of Design – Urban Design
- Seminar The Porous City
- Transferable Skill Group Dynamics
- Design Studio Dichter : Grüner * Offener _
- Design Studio Flood
- Design Studio Going Dutch
- Design Studio Linear Circularity
- Design Studio Railway Overbuild
- Design Studio Rehabilitated Giant
- Design Studio Retrofit Gemeindebau 4.0
- Design Studio Tirana Fabrika
- Design Studio Triangle, loop, polygon
- Exkursion Stadt_Exkursion Wien 2024
- Lecture Urban Developement
- Modul Urban Design in Southeast Europe
- Seminar Linearity & Patchwork: Settlement Structures in Vienna's South
- Design Studio Along the sea
- Design Studio Berlin Giants
- Design Studio Dörfl
- Design Studio Festivalcentre Löwinnenhof*
- Design Studio Tal-Schluss-Stadt
- Design Studio Under the Tracks
- Elective Seminar Wiener Täler
- Lecture and Exercise Architecture, Construction, Settlements
- Lecture and Exercise City and War
- Module Territorial Transformation
- Principles of Design – Urban Design
- Seminar Three times Sitte
- Summer Design Studio Kharkiv Housing Challenge 2024
- Summerschool The Competition of Competitions
- Transferable Skill Group Dynamics
- Modul Entwicklungs- und Prozesssteuerung
- Vorlesung Stadtentwicklung
- Entwerfen Band-Netz-Stadt
- Vorlesungsübung Stadt im Klimawandel
- Design Studio Balkan Express – Mind the Gap Sarajevo
- Design Studio Balkan Express – Mind the Gap Skopje
- Design Studio Kern – Band – Netz
- Design Studio MetroLab
- Design Studio Neuland Bestand Ottakring
- Design Studio Off Spaces University
- Design Studio Rehabilitierte Riesen
- Design Studio Retrofit Gemeindebau 3.0
- Design Studio Work is half of our lifes
- Lecture and Exercise Basic Skills dealing with organizations
- Seminar Camillo Sitte and the Fundamentals of Urban Design